About Us
Linda Cohrs, Co-Owner, Licensed Agent
My Story:
I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed and confused with the in’s and out’s of Medicare. I actually worked for a major Medicare Insurance company for over a decade, and I still remember when they brought me into a classroom to learn about the various Medicare plans available. It was a lot to learn. It literally took 8 hrs a day for an entire month for me to understand what Medicare was actually all about. And it changes every year! What hope does the average person have?
I remember taking a call one time. The gentleman I was speaking with told me, Linda, I’m a college professor. I like to think that I am a highly intelligent person. Well, I tried to do research and look up all this stuff on my own, and I’m just as lost as anyone else. But the way you explained it to me was truly remarkable. You have such a gift for explaining this.
If a professor couldn’t understand his medicare benefits, then how on earth are the rest of us supposed to figure out these rules that were written in what feels like a secret language that only makes sense to doctors? This is why I have been helping individuals just like you take the confusion out of Medicare. Sometimes you just need another person that can sit down with you and see what benefits you have and what benefits you actually need.
Harold Cohrs, Co-Owner, Licensed Agent
My Story:
I had been running a successful IT business for 24 years when my wife decided to become an independent agent and start our own agency. I felt it was time for me to retire from that business and make the move to help her open The Pillars Insurance Solutions, LLC. and oversee the support functions of the new agency. I had already been assisting her in a few areas, so it was a natural move. Working with Linda for the past several years now has given me a broad base of the insurance business. Along the way I also decided to get my insurance license in order to have an even greater knowledge as well as be able to work directly with our clients and offer a high level of customer service.
Why choose us?
Let’s be honest, Medicare is not easy to understand and on top of that it changes every single year. Each year Medicare publishes a book called, Medicare and You. It’s where they break down benefits and changes for that year. However, it doesn’t feel like it's for you at all. This is where we come in. We at The Pillars Insurance Solutions, LLC have spent nearly 2 decades helping great people just like you make sense of their Medicare benefits. We’re happy to sit down with you and really look at your needs and what plans will be the best fit for you. It’s time you had a friendly conversation with someone who can explain Medicare and help you get the most of your benefits.
Welcome to our website. We handle all types of Medicare health insurance needs as well as other types of insurance. Our firm is staffed by people committed to providing our clients with highly personalized service.
Our objective is simple: To identify and help minimize our clients’ exposure to risk. We accomplish this with emphasis on quality coverage, competitive premiums, and overall simplification of insurance matters.
Our approach is direct: To analyze our clients’ complete insurance needs, design a responsible protection program, and recommend insurance that is a cost effective insurance strategy designed for your individual situation.